When Will I See You Again?

27 01 2010

Yes that’s right, it was Three Degrees this morning! I could have used “Giving Up, Giving In” but that didn’t seem appropriate somehow.

As it was cold I togged up in two shirts, leggings and gloves, but that was overkill as there was no wind and I ended up getting too hot. Note to self, check windspeed on BBC weather as well as temperature.

This was the long awaited, oft postponed, comparison run with the Orbana energy drink that I promised Annabel I would do. 9km including two climbs. As it was so cold the mud was part frozen, so this usually makes times quicker, but it didn’t really work out.

I drank the Orbana before setting off. The recommended time is 30 mins before exercise, but I probably took it about 15 mins before. I was quicker this time over the first km, but that was mostly due to not having to skirt round a really muddy patch. The next 6km were basically the same as the previous non-Orbana run, but I just died up the hill over the last two km, both of which were 30 seconds slower than before.

I actually felt energised over that first 7km, and was convinced I was faster, but the data shows that not to be the case. So it seems to give you a buzz and mentally do you good, but it didn’t give me the physical boost I was looking for. Not a terribly scientific test, but I was in a good frame of mind and up for the run today, so not sure what happened. On the plus side, it does taste nice  🙂

Sorry Annabel, not really what you were hoping for.

9km, 1hr 04m 35s, 528m of climb.